We are super duper proud of everyone who took part in the show back in July. It was an amazing success.
With some great photos and videos we are incredibly impressed and are so happy to see all our students grow in confidence and perform to their hearts content.
Next term we take a break from a big show but do not fear we still have lots to look forward to in 2023-2024.
With new classes and so much more we are already in prep for the next show in 2025.
Fund Raising
Last years show - Once Upon A Time, we raised money for one of our students Poppy, who is involved with the Princess Poppy Appeal and we loved that she was able to perform this year in our show! She has done incredible even learning a whole duologue! As well as a second charity Young Minds UK! We have to say everyone did incredible!
This year we've raised money for Face, Bedford and we are proud to say that we raised a lot of money, through smarties, raffles, awards night and more! We cannot wait to do it again in 2025 for a different charity, do let us know if you have any in mind!
Check out our about us page for how much we raised for each charity.
Don't forget to start booking for next term now!
